Cavendish Lloyd Group

Trusted, Quality Tobacco

Summary of the Article “Gaining Momentum” from Tobacco Reporter, July 2024

The article discusses the progress and challenges of Cavendish Lloyd’s production of low-nicotine flue-cured tobacco (LNFCT) in Zimbabwe, led by its president, Koen Monkau. Monkau is optimistic about the market potential for shisha-style LNFCT, which is being trialed in Zimbabwe to diversify its tobacco industry. The goal is to reduce dependence on a single buyer and ensure long-term sustainability. Cavendish Lloyd has been working with the Kutsaga Tobacco Research Board to experiment with different growing methods and seeds.

In the 2023-2024 season, the company aims to produce 600,000 kg of LNFCT, up from 150,000 kg the previous season, despite setbacks such as financial constraints and El Nino-induced drought. The crop has attracted about 40 farmers, showing potential for good returns and environmental benefits due to its efficiency and lower resource requirements.

Expansion plans include engaging with tobacco research institutes in other African countries like Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. However, financial limitations and logistical challenges remain significant obstacles.

Cavendish Lloyd’s initiatives also include the use of satellite imaging for better crop management and exploring new markets beyond shisha, such as cigarette and roll-your-own (RYO) markets. The company has faced economic challenges in Zimbabwe, like currency changes, but remains hopeful due to government support and favorable tobacco prices.

Overall, while LNFCT production in Zimbabwe is still in its early stages, with many farmers growing it for the first time, there is potential for significant growth and diversification in the future.

Call for Shisha growers

April 2024

We are looking for adventurous, experienced and dedicated growers that seek to maximize their production by growing a highly profitable but yet low cost shisha style tobacco.

Cavendish Lloyd is a world wide group of companies in the tobacco industry. It has been fully registered and licensed as a shisha merchant by the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) in Zimbabwe.

For the coming season we are looking for new growers: commercial (>5 ha), Semi commercial (2-5ha) and small scale (1-2ha).

The growers are expected to have the following attributes:

  • Fully registered with TIMB
  • Must have production records for the last 3 years
  • Located in the slower-growing areas (Goromonzi Marondera, Macheke, Headlands and Rusape)

Contact us by mail.

What we do

Shisha tobacco

In Zimbabwe, we are pioneering Shisha tobacco growing, introducing a new seed and cultivation method characterised by lower nicotine content, higher sugar levels, and increased efficiency. 

Leaf tobacco

Cavendish Lloyd can supply all qualities of leaf tobacco from FCV, Burley and oriental crops from around the major tobacco supplying countries in the world to suit your blend requirement’s.

Cut rag

Cavendish Lloyd can create your Cut Rag Blend requirements both out of Zimbabwe and the UAE, perfected to your personal tastes and flavours and  we can export to your market destinations.

ZARK Cigarettes

We established Zark cigarettes in 2016 in Zimbabwe, as we felt that a country that is producing one of the best tobacco crops in the World also deserved a World class cigarette.

Zark Dark Toasted is a top grade American blend cigarette which delivers a measured nicotine kick, without any throat irritation.

Zark Zap Menthol delivers 100% natural Virginia blend with a modern unique switch menthol capsule. Our Zark brands continue to grow in Zimbabwe and beyond..

NARGIZ Cigarettes

In 2012 we established ourselves in Iraq by producing and successfully launching three variants of the Nargiz American blend cigarettes. Through our Non tobacco materials division and our team of expert blenders we were able to invest in superior packaging and our customers have come to appreciate our natural tobacco blends without any artificial additives.


We have all NTM to produce your cigarettes…